Drafts at November 2024 | Which Bible Do You Favor?

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Which bible do you favor? This is the question asked Of all who are trying to "figure out" the "God Question."

Whether the KJV, the RSV, the NIV, the NWE, or the Book of Mormon,

One must chose.

"Programs, programs, you can't tell the players without a program. Programs here!"

Why are there so many players, so many programs?

Why is there not one true religion, one denomination, one player?Wouldn't that make things a lot simpler? Why isn't that the case? Why? Because we are just a bunch of silly primates who sense a "God" in action ... Somewhere. We're all "Jus' tryin' ta figger thangs ay-out." As they say down East in America.

But if you believe that your choice is the only true choice, then this logic follows: "Everyone else's choice is a false choice. God only honors the true choice. Those who harbor a false choice are doomed and will perish in a Lake of Fire, they can be ignored. Or, here's an idea ... we can try to "save" them by convincing them to "repent" : to say the magic words before they die (of either natural or "un-natural" — as in the Inquisition — causes.) Say the magic words, and " Off you go into the wild blue yonder." Done deal. Points scored for the human "savior." Jesus thanks you for doing his job for him.

But there was a man, a captain of slave ships, whose heart was penetrated out of the blue — without human intervention — without a neighbor "thumping" a Bible, Without threats of death in a Lake of Fire. This man's heart was pervaded by a spirit of generosity . He was amazed. He called it "Amazing Grace." He wrote a beautiful song about it — a song beloved around the World. What is Grace? It is "undeserved pardon," without a quid pro quo, rather with a mere token, "the blood of the Lamb"

"Booth led boldly with is big bass drum 'Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb?' "

Why is there always blood. I once wrote a poem "Was there never blood? There was ever blood." You can find it using the search box on VernonMilesKerr[dot]com