Vernon Miles Kerr 1943 - 2025

Vernon Miles Kerr  1943 - 2025

Vernon passed away peacefully, just after midnight, on the morning of Wednesday, February 26 after treating cancer for almost three years. His wife Donna and two surviving sons, Josh and Jake (this writer), were by his side on his last night with us. We sat with him for three hours, and sent him off with all of our love and his favorite Hawaiian hymns that Josh brought along for him. As many of you may know, Dad loved all kinds of music and culture, but Hawaiian music held a special place in his heart. It was a beautiful, soothing moment we shared in that room, and we believe that Dad felt that too.

In his last week with us, Dad was still energetic. He was able to walk around the house and visit with everyone. Just a week before his passing, he went on a long walk with Josh, Jake, and Xeph & Lily (the lovely Kerr family pups) to get some sun on his face. On Friday, a few days before his passing, we enjoyed a lively day at home visiting with friends and family. That day, Dad was in a happy mood, playing guitar and singing for everyone. In that short time leading up, Dad was very much with us, though he was sleeping much more than he used to. This made the sudden transition from Monday on a bit of a shock for all of us, but at the same time, it was a tremendous relief that Dad never seemed to be in pain.

To all of you who read his words here, you have brought him so much joy. Every time Dad got a new subscriber, he would brag to me about it on the phone, and he absolutely loved the communications and online camaraderie that you provided him. When he spoke about you all to me, it was always, "I was talking with my friend online..." He really cherished your relationships. So, thank you all so much for being here with him.

Vern was loved; he will be dearly missed.