Drafts at November 2024 | Seventeen Years of Curious and Continual UFO Encounters

by Vernon Miles Kerr
Because I have already freely shared online all of the amazing, weird stuff in this post for the near seventeen-years it has been happening, and as I am now facing impending death, I have little worry about the government not liking anyone challenging their clumsy cover-up attempts. Besides, the "government" has now begun their own "disclosure" campaign, as you've probably seen on the news. I think you too will agree that it's amazing and weird, as we go along.
My life-story includes years in a religious cult followed by years attending MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) meetings and online chat rooms, only to later realize that I had simply stumbled into another cult. As in all cults, there are elements of truth and elments of fantasy. It's up to a descerning member to sift them out. I hope that I'm doing an adequate job of sifting.
So ... here we go!
Chapter One
The Public Phase
Let me assure you from the beginning, this entire book is true. The experiences started in 1997 and didn't peter-out until around 2014. Now thirty years later, I'll be relating the occurences during that seventeen years to the best of my memory (refreshed by my email-archive). The entire history includes visual descriptions of craft, mental manipulations of myself and strange visions, including mental symbols and high-resolution views of distant natural scenes. The story has two phases: the Public Phase and the Private Phase. Chapter One is devoted to the public one.
During the entire span, of about 17 years, someone or something was trying to get my attention by pestering me with continual glimpses of unidentified flying craft which exhibited capabilities that no known "airplane" could then duplicate. I remember, at one point, saying my "count" of sightings was well over 20. It went on from there.
In Chapter One, I'll relate how the entire saga started with three sightings that were in broad daylight and were witnessed by other people, who observed each of them and even had a conversation about them with me. Not only were they group-sightings at the time, I believe that the way each of them came about — the way we seemed to be "lured" to the time and place where we witnessed them, is relevant. In this method, used by ETI (extra-terrestrial intelligences) one doesn't hear "voices." One's own mind comes to a decision — like one time in the middle of the night, I awoke and I concluded, "I need to get up and go open the blinds and look outside..." Upon doing so, I saw quite a show. Keep reading in Chapter Two for the details.
Huge Stable Spots on the Sun.
Let's start with that illustration, of the setting sun, above. Around 1997 one of our sons was living in San Diego and we visited him frequently. We had a little ritual most evenings going to the beach to watch the "green flash" at sunset. Sometimes it was even to a bar on Coronado Island named, aptly, "The Green Flash."
On the day in question we decided to go to (also aptly-named) Sunset Cliffs in North San Diego County. Seated in comfortable folding chairs, as the sun got close enough to the horizon in order to look directly at it, we noticed two large black objects in front of it. "Probably two helicopters returning to North Island or Camp Pendleton," we speculated. But instead of the sun setting behind the "helicopters," the objects remained fixed against the sun's face, disappearing with it. "Sunspots?" someone said. "Nah, not that huge." "The International Space Station?" "No, I've seen pictures of the ISS transiting the sun, it looks tiny, even smaller than most sunspots.."

We watched as the sun set, and along with it those stationery objects. Whatever they were, they were beyond huge. They also had to be more than the ISS's orbit of ~200 miles above the Earth. My next-younger brother, who is more scientifically oriented, later specualated:
"The objects must have been parked at the spot that's slow enough to pace Earth's orbital speed but not fast enough to go'trans-lunar' (at 25,000 mph.) The next day, they must have scooted on out of there. Otherwise, there would be news reports all over the world about it."
As it was, only we in North CountySan Diego and maybe anyone else watching a sunset on a Westward-facing beach somewhere on Earth would have seen it.
The Meander Around Orion.
If my brother had any disappointment at his not having actually been there to see the "beyond-sunspots," his feelings were aleviated a few months later.
We were visiting him and my sister-in law on California's Central Coast, North of Vandenberg AFB, the farthest place West in the US, excluding Alaska. From Vandernberg, on a globe, draw a line due-South and you don't hit land until Antarctica. Any aborts of military or commercial satellites, launched toward the South, fall harmlessly in the thousands of miles of Pacfic Ocean.
On the night in question, he and I took our coffees out in the yard to look at the stars. The constellation Orion was slightly South of dead-overhead. As we admired it, one of the stars seemed to be slowly moving. As if to make sure we were absolutely sure that it was moving, it "mandered," all through the space above and below Orion's belt, for more than ten and less than thirty minutes. As with all of the sightings in this book, we the witnesses were left to draw our own conclusions about each sighting's meaning and exactly why each of us was chosen to witness them.
The Big Phoenix Kerfuffle
Months later, a UFO seen by millions in Greater Phoenix, Arizona was reported on the news. I and a friend were there, before it left the area. You can read about it in the Arizona Republic's Archives here: Search on "The Phoenix Lights 1997" How my friend and I from Northern California got to Phoenix just in time for what I'm about to tell you, seems like more of a miracle than the UFO itself.

Wikipedia has the best, most inclusive description of the "Kerfuffle." What's amusing is that in that AZ Republic piece of 2007, ten years later, the military was still trying to create the false "flares," or "planes flying in formation" scenarios. It was no such thing.
As I and my friend who was also my boss checked in to the Holiday Inn in Tempe there was a stack of USA Today newspapers with the aricle shown above. I scanned the article briefly as he used the company credit card to check in.
Two days later, at around 10,000 feet altitude on a PSA flight out of Sky Harbor (PHX), bound ultimately for Sacramento, we saw it, and discussed it, in broad daylight. At that time PSA had a row of facing seats at the back of the plane. We were on the starboard side. About ten minutes after take-off, seated across from each other, peering down at the desert floor, I spotted what I thought was a common shade structure used in the West for feeding cattle. Unlike most feeding shelters, which are straight, this one had a bend in it. It was also curious that there wern't even any dirt roads leading to or from it. The bend in it was nothing like the extreme angle shown in the USA Today article. It was closer to 90 degrees, maybe not quite 90. As I stared at it I noticed the desert greasewood scrolling beneath it — a parallax effect. "Hey, that thing seems to be floating in the air, look at the bushes moving under it!' "Yeah," my boss said.
The weird thing was: at that moment neither of us associated it with those copies of USA Today which I was browsing when we checked in to the hotel a couple of days before. It's like our brains at that moment were saying "CENSORED FOR NOW." You'll see, later in the book, how in addition to planting thoughts in your mind, ETI can also temporarily remove thoughts from your mind.
Chapter Two
The Private Phase
stay tuned to vernonmileskerr[dot]com for the private phase.