Theology | "I Don't Know."

“I Don’t Know”
© 2023 by Vernon Miles Kerr and
Religion #Faith #Agnosticism
So called, “Christianity” rejected Science in the 19th and 20th Centuries. The truth coming out of the layers of Earth’s rocky crust belied the Bible’s story of Earth’s “creation.” “How could God have lied to us?” Now, many Christian denominations have adopted a more compromised, agnostic, view of the fossil evidence—admitting, rhetorically, that evolution may be the method God uses in creation, and that creation is on-going, not complete. There is absolutely nothing wrong with saying,”I don’t know.” It’s the key to humility and the launchpad to learning.
Today, organized religion would do well to accept the άγνωστος (agnostos) the “unknown” of creation, until such time that God is ready to reveal it. In the meantime, respect Science. The more we learn about the incredible hugeness and the incomprehensible, quantum smallness of reality, the more we will understand the intelligence, the planning and the design of it — and how we humans fit into it.
As stated above, your keeping an open mind, not being dragged down by another person’s interpretation of ancient, purported “holy writings” is the key. All organized religions have ossified to some extent. They have petrified around some “founder’s” interpretation of scripture, to the complete rejection of argument. This, effectively, defines “doctrine.” Doctrine is a dead-end, in a soggy sodden ally way. Saying “I don’t know,” is an open, welcoming, door to enlightenment, and to a closer relationship with the real God.