Opinion | The Age of Corporate "Bullyhood" As Pubished in USA TODAY

©2014 Vernon Miles Kerr
Since this is a blog by a writer for writers and the public as well. I thought it might be interesting for you to see how the previous post looked after suggestions made by the Editors of USA TODAY. The differences made the letter more concise and made it flow better.

As published in USA TODAY 6/24/2015

In light of my previous negative experience working in industries affected by regulatory agencies, I have been following your series “Unfit for Flight” intently. These agencies, overwhelmingly stuffed with executives and cronies from the very industries being regulated, are really there to promote their industry, not to protect the public.
There is some weight to the argument that these corporate insiders’ technical expertise is needed to make wise regulatory decisions. However, wouldn’t it be better to have these agencies staffed by representatives of the public they serve, with only a few subject-matter experts from the industry being regulated? Perhaps such a solution is too “populistic” for today’s age of corporate bullyhood.
Vernon M. Kerr
Ellicott City MD

Here is the link to the letter on the USA TODAY web site:

