Drafts at November 2024 | Theology: "Kingdoms" are Whack
Kingdoms are Whack
(c) 2023 by Vernon Miles Kerr and VernonMilesKerr.com
FirstCuppaJoe for Mar 15, 2023. Y’all probably know I create these “Cuppas” when my mind is “hot off the press” of talking to the Universe through prayer. This one came as soon as I started praying. I referred to God as “master.” it was immediately countered by a thought: “It’s not master it’s mentor.'” Huh? If not master, how about that wording in the “Lord’s Prayer,” “Thy Kingdom come.” ? I then remembered, “kingdoms” are a rather recent development in human history. For tens of thousands of years, in Mesopotamia — between 4,000 and 3,000 BCE, for instance — large populations were sustained and governed by local and regional assemblies of citizens. Great projects like Ziggurats, etc were done by citizen-volunteers. I learned this from a recent summary of the latest worldwide archaeological evidence, “The Dawn of Everything,” by Graeber & Wengrow.

Jews and Christians peg the creation of Earth and Humans at about 4,000 BCE. But there is evidence of advanced, collaborative, civic-works, including beutiful, realistic rock sculptures, 8,000 years BEFORE THAT, at Göbekli …