#FirstCuppaJoe for Thur Nov 3
©2022 by Vernon Miles Kerr and VernonMilesKerr.com
Here’s my pic from 2 days ago. This is accurate and un-retouched. It reaveals what’s left of me after about 3 weeks of daily radiation therapy and three cycles of weekend chemotherapy infusions. My worst pain is not from the therapies it is from a strain of Candida which has attached to my vocal cords— due to the compromised immune deficiency FROM the radiation and chemo. The Candida makes it so painful, just to swallow my own saliva, without being stoked-up on opiates (and a special Miracle Mouthwash, compounded for me by the pharmacy) I would be pounding the table and grunting in pain EVERY time I did swallow—even my own saliva. Now that the Candida is diagnosed, I’ll have a medicine reaedy to pick up at a near-by COSTCO pharmacy. Wish me luck. 😉

The pic below, is my maternal grandfather, Arthur Livingston Norris, who died before I was born. According to my mother, he was a man who was disapointed by traditional Christanity. just as I was. I don’t know what kind of education he had, but he found hmself ordained to the deaconry of the Presbyterian Church. Maybe his being a Spanish American War Veteran was par of it. During that time he was fascinated by the new science of Evolution. His library at home conained the ponderous volumes, “The Origin of Species” by Darwin, and several of the college texbooks on Geology by James Dwight Dana.