Poetry | Farewell to Earth
Fellow condemned:
Can we let down our petty competitive veils for a moment
And admit what we have had in common?
Yes, we've all had moments of joy that kept us enduring
The grief,
The failures,
The disease,
The loss of our senses — of smell, of sight, of taste, of hearing, of feeling in our extremities.
And worst of all, the loss of our ability to walk (and with that the loss, our independence.)
Who wouldn't secretly be glad to leave this crappy existence on this crappy planet — if the exit-process weren't so mysterious and frightening?
Bhudda speculated that the meaning of life was suffering. He failed to mention where this record of "suffering" was filed-away and who was evaluating it. All religious ideas eventually fall apart when examined under the microscope of time.
But take heart my contemporaries. Science is collecting increasing evidence of "Life after Life," evidence that points to an existence beyond this phase where we currently suffer. Maybe The Bhudda was on the right track, after all. So, is this where the lessons of our suffering are "filed-away"?
Let's be glad to bid farewell to Earth.
Until we make our exit, let our fervent prayers be for the succor of those loved-ones who will grieve our passing and for the youngsters, who are still fighting their life-long battle.
Love, Vern