Podcast | The Planet of War
©2021 by Vernon Miles Kerr and VernonMilesKerr.com
©2021 by Vernon Miles Kerr and VernonMilesKerr.com
T H E R E W A S E V E R B L O O D (c) 2022 VernonMilesKerr.com When was there never blood? There was ever blood. From the moment of birth, We are slathered in Mother’s Blood. From the dawn of our carnivority We drew
I guess the first thought of anyone who has been given a diagnosis of terminal Cancer is "I've gotta get right with God." When I received that diagnosis in August of 2022, those were my thoughts. For those of you who know me best and for
While 4-letter words are socially unacceptable There is a three-letter word which is worse: "Too." Why do we do that to each other? "You are too emotional." "You are too stoic." "You are getting to0 fat." Who made us the judge and
KNOCK, knock, knock ... © 2024 by vernonmileskerr.com KNOCK... KNOCK... KNOCK... DOC-trine... DOC-trine... DOC-trine... The sound of the lid Being nailed on the box Where God is kept: Safely managed, Bound and packaged, Simplified, Demystified, Proprietarized, And monetized. knock... knock... knock... The Real God is calling — That still, small voice In