
Humans need philosophies in order to maintain sanity when faced with the world's chaos. Such has been the case all during known history.
While the connection between light (photons) and vision has always been obvious, only during the last century, with the discovery of the quantum realm have we begun to understand the real in-depth role photons play in reality.
We now find that photons act at the intersection of philosophy and multiple realities— physical reality, quantum reality and metaphysical reality. While any philosophy is a guess, the more we learn of this intersection the more accurate our guesses. The uneasiness of gaps in philosophy is reduced. What zealous participant in any of the world's religions hasen't perceived those gaps? The sad remedy seems to be either repressing the gaps or unhappily ruminating over them.
© 2024 by Vernon Miles Kerr
Photons are everything
They compose everything,
They comprise everything
They emanate from beyond everything.
They are the metronome
That sets the cadence
For the Symphony of Multi-verses.
Photons paint pictures on the retina,
Even on the mind.
Photons aid fungal mycelia
To carry messages on their network under the forest floor,
Connecting "higher" plants
So they can alter their growth
And aid the whole living forest
Photons enable our unselfish prayers
To reach the God of all universes.
Photons enable miracles.