Nostalgia | Memories of Ontario

Making preparations to attend my 55th High School reunion in Ontario, California, my memories of our school,  Chaffey High, spilled over into memories of Ontario in general.

A while back, I wrote a nostalgic piece about how Ontario was back in childhood days.  You can read it at the link below.

But I’m sure my memories are only the tip of the iceberg.  You who have spent time in Ontario could add so many more.  Please add your memories to the comments section below.  We can share them when we meet again.  🙂



P.S. Here are some memories to get the ball rolling.  As the lady on “Coffee Talk” used to say, “Discuss!”

  • The Saturday morning Free Show at the Granada
  • The California Theater
  • John Galvin Park
  • The Chaffey Plunge
  • Saturday Mornings at the “Y”
  • Playing touch footbal in the middle of Euclid before Boy Scout meetings.
  • Capt. Riddle’s Coin and Stamp Shop
  • The stuffed big  game trophies at Bumstead’s
  • Carbide canons shooting green lemons.
  • “Rowdies “vs. “Kissies”
  • Pink and Black
  • Earth Angel
  • Goldie’s Variety at Campus and Holt (then “A” Street)